
Monday 11 February 2019


Today my class went swimming with our swimming teachers. First we had to get changed into our togs,next we lined up outside with our togs. After that we went to the swimming pool and then we had to go have a shower then we had to line up behind Sam our swimming teacher. Then we have to say our name to Sam then we had to climb down the ladder safely. After that we got to line up on the wall a and Sam told us to make space float on our back. Next we had to float on our tummy and then we had to float on our back then switch to my tummy. Then we had to go to the shallow end then we had to float on our back and kick our feet until we get to the end. Finally we had to wait for our swimming teacher to tell us what group we were in. I was in group 1 and we learned about how we do backstroke.then we had to leave the pool and have a shower and then we had to get changed.