
Monday 31 May 2021

PAT Tests

This week  has been stressful  and busy becasuse it  testing week.As you can see in this table  are the tests we have done'and next to them is the  shainine  I got.Stainine are the sore you get example if you get a 7 it would be stainine 7 But for punctuation&grammar I was not happy with it because I was not in the curriculum level 


Tuesday 25 May 2021

technology science

science technology

Today was my frist day of the new rotation and I was in science.In science Mrs sharma had  labels for us to write our name on them .When we got to the science class we have to write  any 5 science word  in 5 mimtues and each student told Mrs they world and than  we wach a video about how do planes fly  and than Mrs sharma put on a video about how do you make a paper planes and than Mrs sharma  have a  measure tape to measure how far our planes go.Than  Mrs sharma told us to pick one of  the four  imges on the sreen and than the bus came and drop us of to school the end.